Good Morning- happy Tuesday!
We hope everyone has survived the snow and the cold- should be warming up by the end of the week!
This week in...
Reading: We will finish our jigsaw cooperative learning groups about an invention by Wednesday of this week. On Thursday we will start our fact and opinion flip book about a famous person of our choice. Most of the assignment will be done in school but students should have a book about their famous person. Computers will be available for further research but we want them to also research from a book! This project should take us through next week :)
Spelling: Lesson 16 this week
Religion: Chapter 6
4th LA: subject verb agreement with compound subjects- WOW!
5th LA: Starting a persuasive essay
4th SS: We have the preliminary rounds for the geography bee this week! Each classroom will have one winner who will represent that class in the school bee- GOOD LUCK! We will then continue with our Southeast Tour!
5th SS: We will also have the preliminary rounds for the geography bee this week! Each classroom will have one winner who will represent that class in the school bee- GOOD LUCK! On Wednesday we will be starting Chapter 6 which is all about colonial life. If the students have any questions about their projects I will leave time at the beginning of the class to respond!