Good Morning!
Happy Tuesday! We hope everyone had a great Memorial Day and Weekend. We are back to enjoy our last few days of school!
If everyone could also check around their house and see if your students have any extra textbooks, independent reading books that belong to a classroom or our library, or anything at all that would be great. If we could have anything extra in by Wednesday or Thursday that would be wonderful!
Don't forget a 1 inch binder (if you would like) to put our entire USA Tour in for a special keepsake!!
Social Studies West Region Tour letters and scrapbooks are due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 27!
In reading this week we will continue with Edward Tulane- He has gotten far on his journey and the students do not want to stop reading! Unfortunately we will not have time for another vocab quiz- but we will continue to learn our words and they can tell you all about them at home!
There is no spelling this week!
Our class schedule will remain pretty normal this week until Friday. On Friday we will have our last switches :( and turn in textbooks. The students will also be taking a lot of items home this week. We will stagger the items so their backpacks aren't heavy.
We will keep everyone updated with any new information!
Mrs. Carbone and Miss Winter